Pasin Lathouras inducted into the Sheraton Hua Hin sports champion Wall of Fame

Pasin Lathouras is honoured to have been selected and inducted into the Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa’s striking new “Wall of Fame” initiative that recognises elite Thai sports men and women who have gone on to enjoy international success and earn championship trophies in their respective disciplines.

Celebrating the achievements of high achieving Thai sports people past and present is a new concept realised by the landmark Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa for the inauguration of its new Sundara Sports Bar.

Pleasingly, motor racing was integral to the “Wall of Fame” initiative and that meant pride of place went to a framed photo of Prince Birabongse Bhanudej Bhanubandh, more widely known as Prince Bira of Siam or to the motorsport world of that era, by his racing name, B. Bira. The only Thai to have ever raced in Formula 1, he’s the father of Thai motorsport, the rock that underpins it and a figure whose achievements are so stunning that he serves as the motivation for every young Thai who chooses to dons a helmet and racesuit to try in a small way to follow in his footsteps.

The photo of Prince Bira was hung by palace representative Mr Paisarn Piammettawat. That image took pride of place as the centrepiece alongside a photo of Mr Pone Kingpetch, one of Hua Hin’s most famous sons and a three times World Flyweight Boxing Champion between 1960-64 who, along with Prince Bira, did so much to raise the profile of Thailand around the world.

It’s was pleasing that the exploits of several contemporary era Thai racing drivers who have been inspired by the achievements Prince Bira were recognized and Pasin was deeply humbled to hang his autographed photo in illustrious company.

The introductory speech given by Mr Bruce Dupuis, General Manager of the Sheraton Hua Hin Resort & Spa who outlined the concept behind the “Wall of Fame”

“The intention is to honour Thailand’s leading sports figures,” he explained. “These athletes have sacrificed their lives and through effort and sheer determination have brought Thailand the admiration of the sporting world. Fifty-eight years ago, Hua Hin’s own Khun Pone Kingpet became Thailand’s first world champion. It is his sculpture in the centre of Hua Hin that honours his accomplishments that inspired us to create this Wall of Fame.

“When I then heard about Prince Bira’s racing endeavours and how they caught the world’s attention as a Formula 1 racing driver and a Thai Prince, I knew we were on to a great idea and decided to create a wall honouring Thailand’s sporting elite,” Mr Dupuis continued. “For today’s launch, we have amassed over twenty autographed photographs of Thailand’s sporting heroes including the national volleyball and national football teams.”

VIP speeches were given by Mr Siraphan Kamolpramote, Advisor to the Hua Hin Mayor and President of the Hua Hin Sports Development Club, Mr Paisarn Piammettawat, Representative of the Palace, and Dr. Bhichit Rattakul, Managing Director of Grande Asset Hotels and Property Public Company Limited.

Sports people who hung their photo during the inauguration ceremony included Professional Snooker Player Mr Thepchaiya Un-Nooh, Olympic Summer Games medal winning lady Taekwondo star Yaowapa Boorapolchai and title winning amateur flyweight boxer Paniang Poontharat as well as another title winning racing driver, Kantadhee Kusiri. Tennis legend Paradorn Srichaphan, the first Asian player to reach the top 10 in the ATP world rankings also attended and autographed his photo.

Mr Dupuis was keen to also point out that the “Wall of Fame” concept was “alive”. He added: “The portraits in our gallery will continue grow as we continue to collect autographed photographs of Thailand’s champions of today and tomorrow.”

Pasin Lathouras: “It’s always a great honour to be recognised and I feel humble to be mentioned amongst all the other very successful Thai athletes that are here today as well as those from the past. I always try my very hardest to represent Thailand whenever I put on my helmet and to carry the national colours on the racecar and makes me more determined to dig deep and achieve more. That Prince Bira’s photo is at the heart of the wall is perfect and it puts everything in context so well, for myself and all other young Thai drivers he is our role model as we try in a smaller way to follow in his footsteps and he gives us the motivation to really reach into ourselves and raise up our level. I wish the Sheraton success with this concept going forward and thank them again for including me.”