A frustrating weekend but full of learnings for Lucile Cypriano at Dijon

Following her promising debuts in Porsche Carrera Cup at Spa, then at Le Mans, Lucile Cypriano had a tough week-end at Dijon, third stop of the calendar.

Conditions were quite tricky at Dijon, were several Porsche Carrera Cup drivers were trapped by the track conditions. Lucile Cypriano started her meetting with encouraging performances in the first free practice, before ranking in the top 10 in qualifying for Race 1, with the 9th best performance.

In the rst race, the rain appeared few minutes before the start, forcing the
competitors to put rain tires. After a cautious start, Lucile Cypriano, who is running for the team Racing Technology, and backed by the Centre Porsche Nantes et Rennes, was off in the gravel trap. She was back on track, concluding the race in 16th position.

“The conditions were difficult and I went off in turn number one. It’s a big disappointment, but it is in this kind of circumstances that we learn”.

The next day, Lucile, winner of the selec on Women in Motorsport of the FIA, was back at the wheel for qualifying for the second race of the weekend, with the will to forget the disappointment in race 1. But, due to a strategy that was not op mal, Lucile drops down in the ranking in the last minutes, and was 14th in classiffcation at the end of the session.

From the back of the grid, the driver of the Porsche #1 pushed the hardest she could, pu ng the pressure on slower drivers ahead of her, but she could not nd the gap to overtake them. At mid-race, Lucile a empted a move on another driver, which resulted in a contact between the two, and a puncture for Lucile, who is forced to retire.

“The start of this second race was okay, the track quickly dried up after it had rained just
before. My pace was good at first, but it is very diffcult to overtake in Dijon and I was
stuck behind slower competitors. I tried to overtake but we had a contact with another driver.”

“It was frustrating, it was a tough weekend, and it was all the more disappointing that after two difficult and promising races at Spa and Le Mans, I was expecting a lot from those races in Dijon.”

“The qualifying were very important for the outcome of the race. It is not easy to deal with that, but I intend to build on this experience to move forward in the next races, because everything can’t always be perfect”.

“Now, the wait will be long before the next races at Magny-Cours in September. But I intend to use this period to prepare myself. I have not lost my motivation”.