B-Quik caps off the year at TSS ‘Champions Day’extravaganza

It’s been a successful season for B-Quik Racing, a tough season certainly, one of the toughest we have ever had, a year where we had to defy the odds and grind out the points race by race, but in the end, it turned out perfectly. And that season wrapped up with the Thailand Super Series (TSS) ‘Champions Day 2017’, where the team stepped up to collect our awards.

The iconic “Prince Bira” trophy, modelled on the legendary Thai racer’s signature ERA grand prix car, is the most sought-after prize in Thai motorsport. Exquisitely handmade and finished in a rich golden hue, it’s reserved for the cream of Thai winners each year.

The TSS ‘Champions Day 2017’ was held at IMPACT Speed Park, and Racing Spirit really pushed the boat out to organise a truly glamourous evening for the champions.

The biggest prize in Thai motorsport is to win the headline category, Super Car, which this for year evolved into the power-packed “GTM Plus” reserved for GT3 cars and the latest advanced technology ‘Cup’ cars such as the Lamborghini Huracán Super Trofeo. For B-Quik, 2017 would be something of a holding year as we would stake our place in the category by fielding the Model Year 2011 Audi R8 LMS Cup racecars for Henk J. Kiks and Daniel Bilski.

Outgunned and outclassed on paper – and on the track – we didn’t give up hope of snatching the title. The drivers gave it absolutely everything – and then a bit more – and the crew dug even deeper than they ever had before. To pull off the title, which culminated in Buriram back in September in one of the most sensational races of Thai motorsport history, was a stunning achievement and made the title something extra special.

That was the feeling as Henk led the entire team up to the podium during the Champions Day 2017 to collect the Teams’ trophy. “This really is something special, very special, we thought that winning the Sepang 12 Hours was as just about as tough as it gets, as nail-biting as it gets, but this year has been something else,” the Dutchman said, summing up everyone’s feelings.

It was some year – expectations were exceeded, he admits. “When GTM Plus was announced we wanted to be in there, but we didn’t have the car to make the most of the regulations, so it was, on paper at least, a holding year making up the numbers. But that’s simply not the way this team works, we race to win, and although the odds seemed unlikely, we gave everything and then gave it a lot more. We wanted to give the title a shot. That we pulled it off says everything about this team, where we are now.

“I’m so proud of everyone,” Henk continues. “When we got up to collect the trophy it was a whole team up there as one, this trophy was won by everyone, each person played a vital part in us coming out on top and we enjoyed the moment together. A superb evening for us, and congratulations to Racing Spirit for putting on such a beautiful prize giving event.”

Daniel made two trips to the prize giving podium during. Joining the team to collect the Teams’ prize and also taking a trip to collect the ‘Prince Bira’ trophy for finishing third in the Super Car GTM Plus Drivers’ championship.

He was also delighted with how the season shook out, saying: “The 2017 TSS Championship presentation evening was a great way to celebrate an incredible season with B-Quik Racing. To join team boss Henk, tech chief Idris, our engineer Duarte and our whole team on stage to collect the 2017 Teams’ Championship winning trophy was very special.

“My third-place trophy in the Drivers’ Championship was icing on the cake,” the Australian added. Indeed, it was special for Daniel to move into the final top three trophy positions, which he did during the last race of the year, held in pouring rain, in which he sensationally destroyed the field, passing all the GT3 cars to win the race.

His first time at a TSS ‘Champions Day’ and Daniel was enjoying the moment. “A big thank you to Racing Spirit and the whole Thailand Super Series organisation for a great year and a wonderful presentation evening,” he said. “Thai motorsport is roaring forward under their stewardship.”

Expect to see Daniel in our yellow and black colours for the long term too; he’s an integral part of the team, part of our winning crew at last year’s Sepang 12 Hours, and delivered the Audi R8 Cup series ‘Amateur’ and ‘Masters’ championship titles for B-Quik in 2015 and 2016, respectively. He also flew the flag for B-Quik at Bathurst last year too! “B-Quik Racing is growing into a motorsport powerhouse in Thailand and the region,” he says. “The results the team have achieved are testament to the passion, drive and determination that everyone in the team brings to the table. I’m incredibly proud to be a part of such a wonderful team, and equally proud to have been a part of the success we have achieved together.

“My sincere thanks to Henk, B-Quik and our team partners for their support, Daniel adds. “We fought for every inch of the track at every race, every point, against superior cars, bigger budgets, factory supported teams and drivers, and had a stack of fun along the way. My heartfelt congratulations to the whole B-Quik organisation and the B-Quik Racing Team. 2017 Teams’ Champions. Simply, Awesome.”