Christian Pescatori appointed new sporting director at Cetilar Villorba Corse

Cetilar Villorba Corse have appointed Christian Pescatori as their new sporting director for the 2017 LMP2 endurance programme. Second overall in the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2001 and 2002, Italian driver and coach will flank team principal Raimondo Amadio as coordinator of the “Road to Le Mans” project that is already involving the crew formed by Roberto Lacorte, Giorgio Sernagiotto and Andrea Belicchi at the wheel of the new Dallara LMP2 prototype. Pescatori’s arrival at Cetilar Villorba Corse is a new step forward in the organization of the work and it also represents another piece of the puzzle to complete an all “made in Italy” racing programme. The new sporting director will work alongside Amadio letting his wide experience available to the whole team; “I am really excited about this collaboration with Cetilar Villorba Corse – Pescatori says -. Being back to work on a programme that includes the cars of my dreams, prototypes, is a very inspiring situation. I have already talked with Amadio and the team, we are very motivated but also well aware that this season will be a huge undertaking for all of us”.

Team principal Amadio adds; “First of all, our best welcome to Christian. I am sure that his unquestionable driving skills, international experience and brilliant achievements will provide a significant contribution to the growth of the whole team and to the process of optimization of our internal structures”.