InMotion : road to Le Mans consists of three phases with Ignition, Fusion and Vision

InMotion is a team consisting of more than 50 students from the Eindhoven University of Technology and Fontys. InMotion’s goal is to solve the single problem that still keeps people from using an electric vehicle: charging times. InMotion aims to reduce charging times to roughly the same amount of time it takes to fill up a petrol car. We will showcase the potential of fast charging by competing in the Garage 56 class during the 24h of Le Mans with a fully electric endurance race car. Our road to Le Mans consists of three phases; The Ignition, Fusion and Vision.
The Ignition: Building the Ignition, we gained the experience of designing, manufacturing and assembling a racing car from scratch. The Ignition is a racing car that runs on bio-ethanol. This was the first step and the start or ‘ignition’ of the exciting InMotion Project.

The Fusion served to fuse our existing race car with full-electric drivetrain, to show how fast electric driving can be. The Fusion now holds the electric lap record on three famous tracks in the Netherlands and Belgium; Circuit park Zandvoort, TT Circuit Assen and Circuit Zolder.

To showcase the potential of fast charging at the 24h of Le Mans, an endurance car which is fully electric and charges as fast as a fuel car will be built over the coming years. The VISION is our Concept Car of this fast charging fully electric racer.