Romain Dumas and other key figures look back at the Pikes Peak record run

After just nine months of development, all eyes were on the summit on 24 June 2018. Volkswagen competed in the world’s most demanding mountain race for the first time in 31 years. The I.D. R Pikes Peak1 was the first 100% electrically powered Volkswagen racing car to take part in the race. With Romain Dumas in the cockpit, Volkswagen wrote motorsport history: Dumas not only beat the current record for electric vehicles in the 500 kW (680 hp) I.D. R Pikes Peak, but also etched a new all-time record into the tarmac with 7 minutes and 57.148 seconds.

Record-breaking driver Romain Dumas, Volkswagen Motorsport Director Sven Smeets, François-Xavier Demaison, Technical Director of Volkswagen Motorsport, Dr Frank Welsch, member of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand, Technical Development division, and Jochi Kleint, European Rally Champion and Pikes Peak driver, look back at the exciting electric adventure of Pikes Peak.

Success at the 2018 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb: the Volkswagen I.D. R Pikes Peak sets a new all-time record of 7 minutes and 57.148 seconds.

Volkswagen had been feverishly looking forward to this day for weeks. Everyone had pinned their hopes on the I.D. R Pikes Peak and Romain Dumas, who delivered and even far exceeded expectations …

ROMAIN DUMAS: I’m happy, simply happy – and I’m excited for the amazing team and for Volkswagen. There was just one aim: winning the race and breaking the current record. The fact that we set the all-time record and, for the first time in Pikes Peak’s history, achieved a time with a seven at the front is absolutely insane. And that’s a success that belongs to all of us: developers, technicians, mechanics, staff and the family. And this success wouldn’t have been possible without test driver Dieter Depping, who was basically a part of my right foot. This record time is a team accomplishment – and I’m very thankful for that.

SVEN SMEETS: First I’d like to thank Romain. It was a hard programme with a tight schedule. He deserves our thanks for doing everything we asked him to do with determination. For driving the vehicle without any errors. And for ultimately achieving this crazy driving time. Fantastic!

But many thanks also go to our team, to each individual. Developing such an innovative project in less than nine months is, I think, our biggest accomplishment ever. Our initial aim was to break the record for electric vehicles. The fact that we also broke Sebastian Loeb’s record and undercut the eight-minute mark makes me incredibly proud. It’s the first time that an electrically powered racing car has won in an open class. I think it’s a milestone for electric cars. As well as a milestone for Volkswagen.

Dr Frank Welsch (member of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand, Technical Development division) followed the development of the I.D. R Pikes Peak and the showdown at the @Autostadt Pikes Peak viewing event. How do you see the results today – personally speaking and now that it’s been a few days since the exciting Sunday race.

DR FRANK WELSCH: I’m very proud of the fantastic work that the entire Volkswagen Motorsport team did. And it’s true: it takes a little while for the importance of this success to actually sink in. The project had to go very quickly, with development only taking a few months. The race itself didn’t even take eight minutes – but the success has long-lasting significance. For me, the first win of an electric racing car in the competition with conventional drives has a groundbreaking dimension to it, much like the all-wheel drive in rally sport.

Was there a point when it became clear to you that Volkswagen would be able to do it?

FRANÇOIS-XAVIER DEMAISON: We had very good times during the tests and the qualifying the week before the race, so we were quite confident. We knew that, as long as the weather cooperates, we might even be able to challenge the overall record. The electric motors are really fantastic – extremely high torque for all RPMs and thus a large bandwidth of maximum power. You don’t need a gearbox and can drive very directly. Romain has even said that the I.D. R Pikes Peak is easier to drive than his earlier racing cars.

DUMAS: The I.D. R Pikes Peak is definitely one of the best racing cars that I’ve ever driven. When Volkswagen Motorsport approached me several months ago, I knew that it was going to be a promising project and something big. The first conversation with FX Demaison was very open – everyone said what they needed and what they were expecting. And I soon felt like I’d been part of the team for a long time. Coordination wasn’t always easy, but it was always an absolutely fair and open discussion. And then Volkswagen built a true rocket in no time at all.

But Pikes Peak is the world’s most demanding race. You only have one chance. It’s extremely dangerous. The weather is an unpredictable component. There’s no room for even the smallest mistake.

Jochi Kleint is the first Volkswagen factory driver to compete on Pikes Peak three times in the 1980s. In 1987, victory was within reach when he had to give up due to a defective chassis in the powerful ‘Pikes Peak’ twin-engine Golf II just before the finish line. Since then, there has always been a score to settle on Pikes Peak. Has it been settled?

JOCHI KLEINT: More wouldn’t even be possible. This record will go down in history. It was thrilling to watch the race at the Autostadt viewing event. I’ve always said that Volkswagen made the right choice with Romain Dumas. His experience on the mountain makes a huge difference. And there was no doubt in my mind that, with such a powerful car and a well-coordinated team, he would achieve a fast driving time – and break the record. The fact that his time was also under eight minutes was a wonderful surprise. That was quite an achievement.

It was several demanding months of preparation and exhausting days on Pikes Peak. Now that you’ve achieved your aim, how does it feel?

DUMAS: The team – unbelievable, the atmosphere – unbelievable, the challenge – unbelievable! And now I can finally say: We did it! A dream has come true. That’s quite moving for me. There’s no question that Winning Le Mans as part of a team was impressive. But taking first place at Pikes Peak is simply unbelievable. I’m very, very happy. But now I’m exhausted and would like nothing more than to sleep for a couple weeks.

I got my first grey hairs during the first Pikes Peak. It must be more by now. I was well prepared, gave it my all. But you can’t win without a good car.

DEMAISON: My dream came true too. Winning Pikes Peak is a lot like winning Rallye Monte Carlo. Taking first place in Monte Carlo is the same level – it’s an amazing feeling!

SMEETS: We’ve written motorsport history – but it will take us some time to process that.

People are always saying that there’s a lack of emotion with e-mobility. Can a motorsport success like this change that?

WELSCH: In addition to serving as a testing laboratory for future technologies, motorsport also rouses emotions and fascination among the participants and spectators. The I.D. R Pikes Peak is the best example: its extraordinary design, the forward-looking technology and its exceptional performance set pulses racing for lots of fans. We followed the race along with many motorsport fans at the Autostadt-facilities here in Wolfsburg; it was unadulterated excitement and emotion. That carries over to our production vehicles, of course.

SMEETS: I think we’ve proven that electric cars can be passionate. That it’s fantastic to see them driving. And that this is our future as we will experience it.

And for everyone who wants more of this type of motorsport, how do you see the prospects of Volkswagen Motorsport with electric cars?

WELSCH: For Volkswagen, the race on Pikes Peak was a very successful start to motorsport with electric drive. We’ve also been observing for some time now the opportunities available to electric racing cars. What challenge will Volkswagen tackle next? As they say, that remains to be seen. But it will be exciting.