Statement from SRO Motorsports Group regarding disqualification of car #63 from Nürburgring event

Following yesterday’s Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup race at the Nürburgring, TV footage showed that Christian Engelhart (driver of the #63 GRT Grasser Racing Team Lamborghini Huracan) was wearing his frontal head restraint (FHR) over the shoulder straps of his harness. 

This is a breach of Article 120 of the Blancpain GT Series 2018 Sporting Regulations and the #63 car was therefore subject to a 30-second post-race time penalty.

Further footage showed that, after the chequered flag, Engelhart removed his glove, unbuckled his harness, and removed the SD card from the driver-facing Onboard Safety Camera. Engelhart was then seen to destroy the SD card before returning to the pits. 

Driving on-track with an unbuckled harness and without gloves are both actions in contradiction of ISC Appendix L Chapter III Article 2.

Furthermore, Engelhart’s car was found to not have an operating Onboard Safety Camera throughout Saturday’s race, as required by Article 66 of the Blancpain GT Series 2018 Sporting Regulations. 

Onboard Safety Cameras were introduced to the Sprint Cup to control the proper application of Article 120 of the 2018 Sporting Regulations. It states in part that: “a driver coming into the pits cannot unfasten his safety harness or racing net until his car is completely stopped in front of the pit garage.”Further to this: “After a pit stop, the car can only start moving after the driver’s safety harness and racing have been fastened.”

For these actions, car #63 has been disqualified from the event and will not take part in race two. The competitor has been reminded of their right to appeal, in accordance with Article 15 of the 2018 FIA International Sporting Code.