Unexpected victory in class for Nico Verdonck at Zolder 24 Hours

Zolder 24 Hours is the most popular endurance race in Flanders. Last weekend, Nico Verdonck had planned to follow the event from a distance, but a last minute call of Selleslagh Racing Team (SRT) changed everything. Without participating in the practice or qualifying, the Belgian driver suddenly found himself at the start of the Limburg 24h race in a Mercedes-AMG GT4… and he won in his class! In addition, the SRT team obtained a 6th place overall, exceeding all expectations.

“What a surprising end of the weekend”, states the 32-year-old driver. “I was not at all expecting to participate in this race. To end the weekend with a win in the Belcar 3 class and an overall 6th position was very unexpected and unforgettable. It was also great to see all my Belgian supporters on home-soil again.”

It must be said that it all went very quickly for the Brussels driver: “Friday, I was coaching and testing at the Nürburgring when I received the call from SRT to strengthen their team. Since the qualifying was already on Thursday, I had only the warm-up to get familiar with the car, but I quickly adapted and found a competitive rhythm.“

Despite the last minute arrival at Zolder, Nico Verdonck became part of a faultless race behind the wheel of the Mercedes-AMG GT4 #30 prepared by SRT. “Everything went extremely smoothly” smiles Nico. “We did not make any errors. On the track, all drivers were very consistent (in lap times) and that paid off. Also in the pitbox, the team performance was outstanding completing very efficient pitstops.”

Nico will also remember the pleasant collaboration with his teammates, Filip Teunkens, Nicolas Vandierendonck, Jean-Luc Behets and Johan Vannerum during this edition of the 24h of Zolder. “My teammates are actually drivers that I coach” explains Nico. “Sharing this victory with them was fantastic, but most importantly it is motivating to see that us working together pays off.”

After this amazing team result, Nico Verdonck continues his racing season with Spa 6 Hours classic race on 14-15 September in the mythical FordGT40… Other races may be revealed shortly.