Williams Advanced Engineering collaborates with Vanda Electrics on Dendrobium

Williams Advanced Engineering has been working with electric mobility experts, Vanda Electrics, to develop Singapore’s first ever hypercar Dendrobium, which will be launched at this year’s Geneva Motor Show (9th – 19th March 2017).

As technical partner, Williams Advanced Engineering has brought its expertise in aerodynamics, composities, batteries and electric drivetrains to the Dendrobium project.

Dendrobium’s high-tech and unique design features an automatic roof and doors, which open in a synchronized, theatrical manner, resembling a fully-opened dendrobium flower, a genus of orchids native to Singapore.

Vanda Electrics CEO Larissa Tan, explained: “Dendrobium is the first Singaporean hypercar and the culmination of Vanda Electrics’ expertise in design and technology. We are delighted to be working with Williams Advanced Engineering, world-leaders in aerodynamics, composites and electric powertrains. The Dendrobium is inspired by nature and rooted in technology, a marriage of design and engineering – I can’t wait to reveal the car to the world in March.”

Further details on Dendrobium will be revealed in the coming months.